
An energy audit is not a guarantee of performance

23 July 2018 eric morel 0

Many countries have made energy audits mandatory, especially for larger consumers, as part of their energy efficiency policy. But is this provision effective? Is it the first step in the desired energy transition for all consumers? In cases where consumers have little risk of being […]


Disruptive technologies are on our doorstep: Blockchains

16 July 2018 eric morel 0

What are Blockchains? Blockchains are information and communication systems that are particularly suitable for managing “peer to peer” transactions and exchanges. They do not use really new technologies but very innovatively assemble existing technologies for managing registers (databases) of data allowing storage, treatment, exchanges with […]


An energy transition can hide another

28 May 2018 eric morel 0

The energy transition can be conceived as a catch-all concept in which all changes in the energy mix, energy systems and regulations are grouped together. This choice has the advantage of simplicity. It has major drawbacks that slow down the adoption and implementation: the confusion, […]

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