
Energy transition: your partners are limiting yourself!

5 March 2018 eric morel 0

The energy revolution is a systemic revolution. The evolutions of all the elements, means of production of electricity or heat, topology of the distribution networks, opening and liberalization of the gas and electricity markets, mode of consumption, are evolutions that are so important and numerous […]


Energy companies need a new leadership style

26 February 2018 eric morel 0

Let’s take a moment to look at the energy markets: we have not yet found how to name accurately the level of disruption that affects them. Several disruptions are telescoping and overlapping: technological, topological, regulatory, societal. Facing and managing these ruptures without damage: that is […]


Coal: a banned source of energy!

12 February 2018 eric morel 0

Although the main source of energy in the 19th century, coal lost importance in the global mix but its production continued to grow until 2014 before stagnating in the last two years. The first coal-producing countries are in descending order: China, India, the United States, […]


Fight against climate change: a high court is needed!

29 January 2018 eric morel 0

The protection of the environment and the fight against global warming are now based on two main trends: – A mass movement emanating from contributing citizens acting at their level. Through their individual behaviors, or collectively through associations and groups, they create these small streams […]


A signature for energy companies?

15 January 2018 eric morel 0

Some starred restaurants have long defined their “signature”: a detail characterizing them and allowing them to be identified immediately. It can be a culinary focus: fish or mushrooms, or a particular dish. This signature conveys a part of their history, of their culture; it helps […]

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