The energy transition is not a concept: it is a reality that requires changes in everyone’s behavior. This is an aspect understood by many political decision-makers, which some use in a quasi-moralistic way:
“You must now take public transport! “
So, as far as I’m concerned, I have to organize my day according to them and not vice versa, as their frequency is for me very limited.
“So take your car, use a park and ride facility and take the tram!” “
In my case, the park and ride facility is so small that it is always full and parking around it is now impossible due to the actions of residents who are now in great difficulty to park in their neighborhood.
“So if you cannot do otherwise, take your car, as long as it is an electric one, and park in town”
The electric car, I have it!
However, getting around town is becoming more and more difficult because the traffic lanes are more and more dedicated to bicycles and public transport. Finding a place also becomes very complicated and very expensive: these two reasons have led me for two years to stop shopping in my nearest city. Given the number of historic businesses that have closed in the past two years, I must not be the only one.
But I just experienced better: parking downtown is now limited to 2 hours. Recently, I arrived ten minutes late: I had a fine. I am therefore ordered to control to the minute, the duration of a professional meeting.
Well, I will no longer have a professional activity in this city.
I now understand those I hear around me, in this city, rebelling against environmental protection measures: it saddens me because, in terms of both mobility and energy savings, we have a urgent need to convince and embark the population on the changes to come. It bothers me all the more that these same people now associate environmental protection with undue hardship.
And ironically, these elected officials who seem to want to kill their city, discourage the inhabitants of the suburbs and damage the image of the ecology, they are from the Green Party!
Ah! I forgot ! The city in question is Grenoble and it is said to be a Smart City.
For me, a Smart City must integrate residents and visitors, not exclude them. Urban planning, mobility and energy are now closely linked and must be designed and developed in a coherent manner.
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