
Why should cities become Smart?

11 April 2016 eric morel 0

I launched the SmartCitiesbyMachnteam blog one year ago. It is now published directly on the web, LinkedIn and Twitter. To date, more than 4000 people subscribe and receive the articles the day of their publication. I thank all the regular readers for their loyalty, their […]

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Is customer segmentation the next step for Utilities?

29 February 2016 eric morel 0

Traditionally, in their electricity, gas or heat sales business, energy companies have been developing for a long time a commercial approach by business segment: residential, small businesses, large customers, public clients etc … Such a vision of the market, legitimate to structure sales activities, is so […]


Benchmarking or tyranny of the average?

22 February 2016 eric morel 0

A few years ago, we were talking about good practice to qualify the advanced expertise that we could find among our peers or our competitors to inspire us, to copy or improve them. Through this, we tried to accelerate our progress in mastering all activities […]

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