
European Utility Week: Back to basics

9 November 2015 eric morel 0

The largest event dedicated to the Smart Grid industry in Europe has just ended. The various players have left me the impression of a return to the basics of their business. Is it because of economic difficulties and tensions in various markets? Or, is this […]

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Offers of new energies derive more of support schemes than needs

12 October 2015 eric morel 0

In each country that had the means, support schemes have enabled the development of renewable energy, including solar. These schemes theoretically compensate the lack of competitiveness of new energy, when production relies on insufficiently mature technologies to be competitive. They have had perverse effects with […]


Renewable, carbon-free and intermittent energies

5 October 2015 eric morel 0

I often hear confusion about the different types of energy. The different categories under which we classify today “new” energies are based on intentions and stakes. Here is a clarification of clusters and related stakes. An energy source is said renewable if it is once […]


Limiting energy poverty: a major challenge for Smart Cities

28 September 2015 eric morel 0

The successful development of a Smart City passes the following two mandatory challenges: an improved durability, ie a performance that is sustained over years, and the respect for the environment and a better consideration of the citizen, its needs and aspirations (I shall return more […]


Store energy means to accept to lose some

21 September 2015 eric morel 0

The energy storage in general, and especially the electricity storage, is now often seen as a potential “killer application” of the energy market, making intermittent energy sources such as solar and wind power, more desirable. Beyond a certain level of penetration of these energy sources, […]

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